CHRISTOPHER MIDDLETON was born in Cornwall but has lived for the past thirty years in Austin, Texas, where teaches German and comparative literature. He travels regularly to Germany, France and Turkey, and his poetry belongs to no one country or context. The Sheep Meadow Press has published Middleton's The Tenor on Horseback, Tankard Cat, Of the Mortal Fire, The Word PavilionIntimate Chronicles, A Company of Ghosts, The Balcony Tree, 40 Days in the Calypso Saloon & Frescoes with Graffiti, Nobody's Ezekiel. He has translated the work of Robert Walser and Gert Hofmann.

“Our language has not enjoyed the work of a poet so religious, without the consolations of convention, since the death of Wallace Stevens.”—Graham Christian, Harvard Review

“His concern to produce an individual structure of perception for every place, thought and experience he writes about results in a ceaseless and challenging originality.”—Alan Brownjohn, New Statesman

“Christopher Middleton’s rare genius for exact observation and metaphysical wit has given us for over half a century now poems of such brilliant craftsmanship and exacting sensibility that a few critics only have dared to assess their magic. He is an incomparable stylist, a wry ironist, a philosopher of words. The only category in which he fits justly is that of a poet.”—Guy Davenport