Linda Stern Zisquit is the author of Ritual Bath, published by Broken Moon Press, and The Face in the Window and Unopened Letters, published by The Sheep Meadow Press. Also with Sheep Meadow, Zisquit has translated two volumes of Yona Wallach’s poetry, Wild Light: Selected Poems of Yona Wallach (1997), for which she won a PEN translation award, and Let the Words: Selected Poems of Yona Wallach (2006). She lives in Jerusalem, where she teaches at Bar-Ilan University.

“Linda Zisquit’s work is uniquely present, yet timeless. Its clarity has no equal.”—Robert Creeley

“Exact and delicate and strong, like lace. Soft and sensuous and yet powerful as a machine.”—Yehuda Amichai

“Linda Zisquit is a lyric poet, a warrior fully armed with a phalanx of traditional, high-minded beliefs. Still, it is her demons that her poetry best serves. Often, she joins the battalions she fights against and sings.”—Stanley Moss